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Connect2 News

Connect2: Holocaust Survivor Fall Luncheon 2014


Flowers! Balloons! Beautiful "Fall" Decorations! Gourmet Glatt Kosher Food! Music! Dancing! Entertainment by International Singing Sensation Lipa Shmeltzer!

Connect2 Holiday/New Year's Bash!


Although we obviously honor the Jewish New Year at Connect2, the survivors gathered to celebrate the coming months ahead in the secular New Year 2014.



Yes, it is just as appealing as it sounds, and the rules are simple. Every time you report online, you receive a predetermined number of points,

Connect2 teams up with Mitzvah Man volunteers to coordinate Mishloach Manot deliveries


Connect2 is honored and overjoyed to have been able to team up with Mitzvah Man volunteers to coordinate Mishloach Manot deliveries to over 80 Holocaust survivors we cant wait to share more  pictures of beaming survivors with their special Purim treat!  Thank you to ALL our volunteers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Brooklyn News12 accompanies Connect2 volunteer Amanda Guttman to a visit with survivors Mr. And Mrs. Ranz


"As Director of Connect2, I had the privilege of accompanying, Connect2 volunteer, Amanda Guttman on a visit to two of our survivors, Mr and Mrs. Jon and Blanche Ranz. Brooklyn News12 was there to record this visit. This is just a glimpse, and just one example of how valuable and mutually beneficial the survivor /volunteer visits and relationships really are"

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