Hi Everyone,
We’re excited to share some photos from the Connect2: Friendly Visiting for Holocaust Survivors Crafts Group, held here at the JCC of Greater Coney Island ‘s Surf Solomon Senior Center for our Connect2 survivors, last Tuesday February 28th 2012.
Every few weeks our survivors re-group to hone their creative skills, as well as enjoy conversation and each other’s company over coffee and cake.
As you can see from the photos, our survivors are very creative. They do everything from painting, to beading, to flower-making, and of course laughter with friends, which is always the best medicine!
Thank you Olivia Schubert, and Sebastian Eschenbach, from Sammler and Jager Film Productions for joining us all the way from Germany! As well as Ms. Amy Wexler from the Claims Conference.
Finally, thank you to our Connect2 volunteer Allie Hootnick, who is also a photo journalist student at Columbia University School of Journalism for capturing these stunning, true-to–life images of our survivor art group.
The photos can be viewed on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150640166577156.406137.170491697155&type=3#!/media/set/?set=a.10150640166577156.406137.170491697155&type=3
Elisheva Lock
Director: Connect2: Friendly Visiting for Holocaust Survivors
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island
Find us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Connect-2/170491697155?ref=ts