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Connect2 News

September 2007


New Director for "Connect2": We are very excited to welcome Leah Davidowitz to the JCCGCI family as the new Director of our Connect2 home visitation program for Holocaust survivors. Leah, who is completing her Masters of Social Work (MSW) degree, has extensive experience in organizing and training volunteers, most recently at the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services where she helped direct and coordinate their "HelpLine" and "Jewish Connections" "Bikur Cholim" (visiting the sick) programs. Leah is looking forward to working with all those already involved with Connect2 and embraces the opportunity to be a part of its expansion.

June 2007


May & June 2007 raffle winner!!
As you know, reporting each and every visit you make is a vital part of our program. Every month we hold a raffle for our volunteers based on the visits they reported. Be sure to report all your visits and you won't miss out on a chance to win! Congratulations to , Naomi Berkowitz and Annabelle Airehasazan, our latest winners!

May 2007


April 07 – Each month we draw a raffle for our volunteers, corresponding to the amount of visits they made. This month's raffle is a gift card to the Banana Republic clothing store. The winner is: Ronni Weiden. Thanks for being such a role model volunteer to all of us!

February 2007


◦January winner!
Feb 12 2007 – Each month we draw a raffle for our volunteers, corresponding to the amount of visits they made. This month's raffle is a gift card to the Banana Republic clothing store. The winner is: Yoni Katz. Thanks for being such a role model volunteer to all of us!

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